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  1. S

    Check Engine Light and Muffler warning.

    Well it works 100% better then it did now that i have changed placement and tested it. I have the end of the tip about 3/8 from the main port.
  2. S

    Check Engine Light and Muffler warning.

    Actually it has been causing me problems.....It seems that when that light comes on it seems to load up and hesitates.
  3. S

    Check Engine Light and Muffler warning.

    I have a 13 xm just got update also and it is throwing me codes. I talked to A&E and they told me to cut the port where your sensor goes re weld it on to get the sensor closer to the main exhaust. Reason for this is to get the sensor 50 degrees warmer and should stop throwing codes. I have...
  4. S

    looking for EZ ryde suspension for xp

    Looking for a used ez ryde rear skid for a 2010 xp 163 anyone got one for sale?
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