So it's that wonderful time of the year! We are a month away from the Edson Hillbilly Demolition and Mud bogs!! And that means I am looking for sponsorship (kinda) this great event supports the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton which has touched so many hearts and families from all over...
Hey guys/girls I have a lot of different rifle/ hangun rounds left over seeing if anyone wants the lot in a whole before I part them out, here's a list of what I've got
31 rnds Hornady American Whitetail in
25-06 117gr. Interlock
9 rnds Federal blue box in 7mm Rem. Mag 165gr.
19 rnds Win...
Ya this is the first time I've seen an event like this for the legend cars, I drove one at E.I.R. when I was running hit to pass and what a blast on pavement let alone running on dirt, it'll be great to see new blood getting the bug for racing!
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Hey guys figure I'd throw this up here for any of you intrested in driving a legend race car....we had a phenomenal year end event with racing and our demolition derby at Central Alberta Raceways in Rimbey, so we figured we'd end with a bang, all laps payed for go back into our track and...
Huge thanks to my 2 new event sponsors just want to give them a shout out their sponsorships go right into the prize pool!
Highmark Interiors, Red Deer
Baron Custom Earthworks, Red Deer
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Most guys can't back up 1 20ft trailer let alone a super b set up there will be a ton of fail videos on these I think....
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