so its about time we work on our sled trailer we have a 23" enclosed interstate trailer.
Bf has left me with trying to find the best stuff to do the job (thanks hun :mad:) hahah
so outside metal is rusted pretty bad.. so any recommendations on what to use after we sand it all down?
Also the...
I installed a 34000 btu suburban rv style furnance. Works great and safe. The bracket was made by a guy in red deer alberta but grassland trailer sales it were i got mine. I also did a ac/dc Panel . The heater, propane tank,ac/dc Panel came from Low Priced RV Parts, RV Accessories RV Supplies...
I installed a 34000 btu suburban rv style furnance. Works great and safe. Got it out of the usa for around $600 brand new. The bracket was made by a guy in red deer alberta but grassland trailer sales it were i got mine. I also did a ac/dc Panel so I can run the heater off of my truck or plug it...
and to make things a bit funny
a video of me attempting a donut... lmao
its pretty sad one i tell you :D but i had fun trying!!
so took off the sway bar... WAYYYY better.. its a lil more tippy on the trail but way easier... i had so much fun this weekend trying to play in the powder. now its 100%
i think thats where i screwed i updated the phone last night to version 4.3...from what ive tried reading, it can't be unlocked? then you can downgrade the firmware?? lol
aka gibberish... :confused:
So yesterday my Iphone 3g crapped out. Phoned telus they said to phone Apple. Phoned Apple they said to either bring it into the store (which happens to be 5 hours away, or pay for tech support) But when i explained what was going on, she figured the phone was toast... Yay me.
So SIL was nice...
I really think i need a lot more practice on top of it all!! My bf tries to explain but he's also 6ft tall and 240 lol he doesnt have much trouble moving the sled. Im going to adjust the skis, remove the sway bar and then try it out next year. I'll play around with where to put my feet this...
hrm... ill tell the bf to check into that as well
i only have a 146" track... bf rides the 163
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, hopefully its the sled and not the rider :p
sterring is fine, but like.. i find it hard to turn if i was pointing downhill and wanted to turn to go uphill,
jump on side, both feet on one side, type deal. My bf thought i just wasnt doing it right but he said i was and it still didnt turn very well.
Ill check the spacers when i get home.