It's brutal to see. What pi$$ed me off the most was the stolen items at Quartz were absolutely sledders, no question. We unloaded at the mines, put all the gear in the back of the truck with tonneau cover closed. Didn't lock tailgate because we figured at 10km in, only sledders would have...
Still thin but rideable. Went sled snowboarding which was very good. Creeks still open; some trucks unloading at kiosk.
Disappointing end to the day as one our groups helmet was stolen from cabin and had a super clamp taken from truck which was staged at 10km. Sledders taking sledders gear is...
Anyone been into Hope yet? Are conditions okay for some sledshred (Sled access snowboarding)?
Anyone been into Chatter prior to their season starting? Are they okay with this if avoiding their ski runs?
Heard Quartz was crap and need another spot for some tree runs. Thank you.
Smoked a tree and have sustained alot of damage. Please let me know if you know of anyone parting out an XP in the Calgary area. Damage sustained to 2009 Summit X 800Ptek
Parts needed:
Upper air box
RH & LH Headlamp assembly
LH (Clutch) Body Panel
C3 Straight Steering Post
Big trip planned...
I just finished installing this on my 09 Summit X with the S-36 kit. Black is new XM spindle, cast aluminium is the stock 09 one. Bolt on fit, no issues. Testing it out on Saturday.
Anybody know ofa place to buy these spare parts? The Doo dealers want way too much for these Aluminumspacers and bushings. I know there was a guy in Revy who sold them but I didn'tgrab his shop name.
Sorry for taking so long to get back. I ordered some V-force reeds from the states last week. Looks like you have tried both, comments? Yes, boards are in the future and sled is already vented enough for the time being. Have you ever heard of guys putting an XP 154"x16"x2.3" stock track on...
Interested in your Boyesen cages and sled information. I just purchased an 04 HM Extreme as a second sled with a full SLP pipe/can. Any mods you encountered with yours as a must do? Planning on doing running boards, inner 2 wheel and LED conversion before I ride it.