Was that you I met last Saturday in the Eagles cabin?
My season has been slower than past ones. Oldest son working shift work making it more difficult to match up with my schedule and my youngest’s. Lots of sled down time for my boys. Just a weird year. Hoping next year is back on track.
And yes when you properly clutch the 850 it is a totally different sled. The 2021 will have the right gearing, we will see about the clutch. I bet it will need some tweaks.
I’ll see if I can find it. Basically you put a zip tie on the belt to make it the shape it is on the pulleys. Put the top gear in the belt. Put the bottom gear in the belt. Install top gear on jackshaft and turn bolt 1 thread. Have someone turn track a little and bottom gear slides on. Super...
Thanks for sharing. I still don’t get why this isn’t on new Polaris sleds. This is certainly required safety equipment because all the TSS does is not work or leaves you stranded. I am learning that in the snow they are not all the same either. After experimenting with a few and seeing others...
Excellent points by all. The seemingly simplest travel in the backcountry can have disastrous results. I’ve had people question our cautiousness when it comes to large open slopes, rider spacing, slope loading, no radio etc and my answer is simple - find someone else to ride with. I’m out riding...
Hi Joel. Doing pretty good. Wishing you guys wouldn’t have spring a month early. We’ve been riding north a bunch. However heading your way Friday. Looking forward to your snow report after today.