On another note, the battery in my truck was frozen solid on Tues morning! It was just over a year old, so it was replaced under warranty. When I installed the replacement, I added one of them battery blanket heaters. Good times!
Could somebody share a link to where they purchased one of the recommended diesel heaters? There seem to be a lot of them out there and some are probably better than others!
My BIL has a Night Train. It's far from stock though. I know it is lowered and has V&H pipes. It's so loud that when I ride with him I can't even tell my bike is running! It's a nice-looking bike but I'm more of a cruiser/tourer type of guy.
The small mom and pops in the rural Alberta towns are the ones I like to frequent. We don't get to them as much in the winter now that the boy is done hockey but in the summer on the bikes we tend to a lot. I used to have a thread on here I'd fire up every summer to discuss good little...
These Chopper1 axes work the best. Unfortunately, you can't buy them in Canada anymore. We have about 4 of them that we've found at garage sales throughout the years. I haven't used anything that works as well as they do.