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  1. 4extreme

    Car dolly

  2. 4extreme

    Car dolly

    I got no response back, so does anyone else on here own a car dolly I could rent for next sunday( feb11)? Would prefer someone in edmonton.
  3. 4extreme

    Car dolly

    I sent you a message about your car dolly. I would like to rent it.
  4. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

  5. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Should nice and wet this weekend with the high tempertures. I would like to come out again but I have plans already
  6. 4extreme

    Israel at War

    I still want to know what is happening with Lahaina...
  7. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Tchetek you should take a closer look at that picture...there's a plate in it
  8. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Not many, but this is one early in the day
  9. 4extreme

    Gun control, it's coming...

    Not a chance. They would never see me again
  10. 4extreme

    Humorous picture thread

    Anyone need some reloader 19 powder only $200/lb. Someone's trying to retire
  11. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    The jeeps packed and ready to go in the morning.
  12. 4extreme

    Post your rant here

    Why does the dam lids have to be close for the garbage truck to pick it up?????
  13. 4extreme

    Gift cards exchange

    We got a Keg $50 gift card for Christmas but we are probably not going to be using it. I was thinking has anyone else got a card they may not use and maybe we could trade. It doesn't have to be for a restaurant. Can tire, cabelas...
  14. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Is this going to be an easy trail ride. ( I don't have a winch or chains.)
  15. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    I'm not familiar with that lake, do you have a drop pin, or directions. Also time and place for meet up
  16. 4extreme

    Trail Etiquette

    We had to tell other riders with us in the pass not to take the same track down a steep hill. Always ride at lease half a sled width over so that when we need to come out at the end of the day, the trail would be wide and set up. Some times people would cooperate, other times they would ride...
  17. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Anymore info on this trip?
  18. 4extreme

    Electric Vehicles Are Less Reliable Than Conventional Cars: Consumer Reports

    What is the law when it comes to a gas powered vehicle parking in a charging station? In the article it said that in a store in Houston they put the stations near the doors and pushed out the handicap spots. I'm assuming, if an EV stopped at a gas pump and went inside he/she wouldn't get a...
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