So we go into a 7-11 yesterday( spruce grove), feeling like a slurpie, it was hot and nice out. I fill my PLASTIC cup with a four favorite mixture like I have always done. Looked around for a straw and there was none. The guy gets me a paper straw,😩. I asked him do you have any plastic straws...
Did that with my .177 pellet gun. The pellet when clean through a 2x4. I sprayed a little wd40 on the pellet. The gun kicked more than normal. this is really hard on the gun. Mine is a piston, and it's like dry firing. Not good in the long run
They are not working out. The last I heard was around 80% are not on the road. 60 or so busses are sitting in a garage because they need repairs and can't get the parts because the company has gone out of business
Great video. I use to ride dirt bike out there alot. I was thinking of taking the quad out on this trip but I talked myself out of it. The jeep is still broken, I haven't had time to fix it.
Soon that will be an add on option..."and would you like to go for the diesel generator option in the trunk? Only an extra $3000, could come in real handy on those stuck in traffic jams in the middle of winter"
Why is it, it takes a 1000 years for a plastic shopping bag to break down in the landfill, but everything I own that has plastic on or in starts to break down after a few years. I have some security cables, wrapped in a plastic coating that is starting to Crack and fall off in less than 10...