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  1. 20240601_161434.mp4


  2. 4extreme

    Humorous picture thread

    The wife said this is me!
  3. 4extreme

    Barbecue Season(Show me your Supper)

    bison back straps
  4. 4extreme

    Post your rant here

    So we go into a 7-11 yesterday( spruce grove), feeling like a slurpie, it was hot and nice out. I fill my PLASTIC cup with a four favorite mixture like I have always done. Looked around for a straw and there was none. The guy gets me a paper straw,😩. I asked him do you have any plastic straws...
  5. 4extreme


    Did that with my .177 pellet gun. The pellet when clean through a 2x4. I sprayed a little wd40 on the pellet. The gun kicked more than normal. this is really hard on the gun. Mine is a piston, and it's like dry firing. Not good in the long run
  6. 4extreme


    No it isn't, I have both. 22 is much louder.
  7. 4extreme


    Open a window...bait...and wait. I heard they come a runnin'( flying in this case) real quick with a caller.
  8. 4extreme

    Humorous picture thread

    Ain't this the truth...
  9. 4extreme

    Most EV drivers depend on fast charging
  10. 4extreme

    Most EV drivers depend on fast charging

    They are not working out. The last I heard was around 80% are not on the road. 60 or so busses are sitting in a garage because they need repairs and can't get the parts because the company has gone out of business
  11. 4extreme

    Anyone else off road in Jeeps or Trucks?

    Great video. I use to ride dirt bike out there alot. I was thinking of taking the quad out on this trip but I talked myself out of it. The jeep is still broken, I haven't had time to fix it.
  12. 4extreme

    Most EV drivers depend on fast charging

    Soon that will be an add on option..."and would you like to go for the diesel generator option in the trunk? Only an extra $3000, could come in real handy on those stuck in traffic jams in the middle of winter"
  13. 4extreme

    Humorous picture thread

    How about the "special file for this job. It's about 6 inches long. It's called a peddy. Just ask the tool crib guy for a peddy file".
  14. 4extreme

    Alberta - ATV-UTV Mud Racing - 2024

    We use to love the mud bogs when they had them in the rain maker rodeo in st albert
  15. 4extreme

    Random Pictures Thread

    Sundog( i think thats what it's called)but with a full moon, taken a few years ago driving west on the yellowhead
  16. 4extreme

    Not Getting Refunded For Cancelled Bookings.

    Yes if you are within their( hotels) policy
  17. 4extreme

    Random Pictures Thread

    Photo of the eclipse. Top one is a glare cant expect much with a cell camera.
  18. 4extreme

    Post your rant here

    Why is it, it takes a 1000 years for a plastic shopping bag to break down in the landfill, but everything I own that has plastic on or in starts to break down after a few years. I have some security cables, wrapped in a plastic coating that is starting to Crack and fall off in less than 10...
  19. 4extreme

    Humorous Video Thread

    This is a classic
  20. 4extreme

    Carbon tax

    hopefully both will be gone soon
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