Well it took me this long to dig into my engine. It turns out that my exhaust valve was broken in 4 places and a piece of that must have hit my spark plug. And to make it worse the other cylinder has got a big fat crack in it. So i guess its time to remove and replace the whole damn thing.
I was using 87 octane from a gas station in the middle of nowhere, i had no choice. I guess I'll probably pull the head tomorrow and see whats happening.
Ive got an o7 summit 800. I rode it on saturday and suddenly lost a cylinder, i pulled the plugs and one was ungapped as if the piston hit it. I put a new plug in and rode it fine all day. Any idea what would cause this?
I rode quartz today, we had a lot of fun i'd say there was up to 4 ft when you got to the top. The trail in was pretty good for early season, a few open creeks but nothing you couldn't just drive through. I only got a few crappy pics but here they are.
I prefer the stubby little 144. I'm pretty sure i'm the only one but its alot of fun to take it places it shouldn't go and even more fun when a guy on a bigger one cant get there.
My first sled was a 1968 snocruiser that my dad bought off of a saturday morning garage sale on 630 ched. I got it in 1994 and it was virtually brand new. I think it only had 200 miles on it. I was so excited I rode it all day around the yard in the middle of august.
I am stuck in the early 90's but laugh at the fuel mileage on these new trucks. I drove to blue river pulling a two place sled trailer with two sleds in my 95 ford 7.3 and got almost 900 km on a fill. The guy I followed there in a 2005 chevy duramax got less than half that, pulling the same...
Mine is doing the same thing. I'm pretty sure that the belt is actually slipping, because the outer half inch of my primary clutch plates were black and I blow belts constantly.
I tried the floating secondary, I noticed a huge reduction in temperature on the secondary, I managed to get a whopping 210 miles on that belt. I'm just curious if there is a total replacement option out there?