From what I understand talking to a camp ground host friend of ours on the long weekend is that there are several vehicles and rv's in both Etherington and Cataract Creek campgrounds.You can see a vehicle on the Etherington access road beside a slide area as well as the Cataract host...
It sure would be nice to get in there with quads to evaluate the trail conditions and begin cleaning up.I assume most if not all the trail bridges will be destroyed or at least badly damaged.Let us know if/when we can get in and get started.
3" at Etherington parking lot and 8" down south.Hard packed under that.No bare patches but will be after this week's forecast.We were down there Sat the 23.
I know one of the people in your riding group,Chris is a good friend of mine and told me today about what happened.If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.You guys where supposed to ride with us last week but couldn't make it.Hope to ride with you guys as soon as everything gets...
Lets hope the person(s) that took the snowbungie frequents this page and will be courteous enough to post and return it to it's owner.They are not cheap and I use mine often.
One of the worst seasons I have had.Trailer issues,money issues,lack of snow issues and too busy driving kids here and there.I have to actually admit I have lost interest in even going out anymore this year,it feels like I need to rest rather then sled it's sad to say.Already making plans for...
After last year I was starting to wonder if Ryan Vito was untouchable,guess he can make mistakes too.Nice to see all the big guns healthy again.My man James Stewart needs to get healed up.The guy just hasn't had anything go right for him for over a year.Nice to see him on a Suzuki and away from...
Ralph's is awesome.Several years ago my wife wanted to buy me one of their battery powered remote controlled sleds for my collection.We saw them at the snowmobile show and when she went in to get one,they had sold them all at the show.The made several calls around as she waited and found one at...