No troubles,It has always been a sled trail once the gate is locked Dec 1.I just thought it was closed going off info from a previous post.I love taking the family down that trail,nice and wide and several little play areas that are fun for the kids.Here is the previous post, Re: Cataract Creek...
JZ1,I thought they were logging down 940 south of CC.Did they provide a trail for sleds as previously discussed or is the road not plowed and totally usable by sleds?
We were out today and I will say there is snow coverage,but not much.Lots of rocks showing through.We won't be going down again until they get a real good dump or two.
I was thinking the same thing.I found on another site that it is rated for 330lbs.The only concern that came up in another form seem to be about the mounting bracket not being common stud width.....
I second Paradise mines across from Panorama Ski resort.The group that is stationed at the base are Toby Creek Adventure Tours.They are great people and maintain the trail up.lots of easy to moderate riding.You can find some difficult climbs for yourself there to.Here is the link to their site...