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  1. nast70

    Humorous picture thread

  2. nast70

    What did you do for your ATV today?

    Bad luck and Andrew's machines...I remember something about a Harley going BOOM too! LOL!
  3. nast70

    Humorous picture thread

  4. nast70

    Enclosed Trailer - Tandem Towing

    That's kinda what i was hoping for. I was thinking a bit simpler, maybe something that would amplify the brakes signal to the second trailer making them brake a touch harder than the main trailer to help keep things straight, especially in sketchy spots.
  5. nast70

    Enclosed Trailer - Tandem Towing

    Considering an enclosed trailer for overnight hunting and getting the bikes to destinations. I'm debating a SA vs TA with brakes, leaning towards the TA for the cargo capacity. If i tandem tow the cargo trailer, will the cargo trailer brakes engage the same time as the 5th wheel? Wondering how...
  6. nast70

    Random Pictures Thread

    Mom and Dad just got back from Churchill MB, polar bear watching. Saw several of them, a bunch of Ptarmigan too.
  7. nast70

    What would you do?

    Buy a ton of bush and disappear. I belive the winner has 2 choices, a lump sum of $750,000,000.00, less taxes, or an annuity over 30yrs for the full amount. The catch is if you die during the payout, you get nothing above what you've already been paid, and the balance cannot be willed to...
  8. nast70

    Humorous picture thread

  9. nast70

    Tapatalk, new ownership, forums bailing

    Agreed. I use a couple forums where tapatalk is still easier to attach photos etc.
  10. nast70

    Tapatalk, new ownership, forums bailing

    I have gotten 3 notification from 3 forums that they are leaving Tapatalk as of the 21st. Polaris ATV Forum Arctic Chat Motorcycle Forum All three letters are exactly the same, same ownership maybe? They suggest the Fora app as an alternate.
  11. nast70

    Generator Plug Change

    Well after looking at the regular "crowfoot" 30amp outlet, its too large to fit in the opening, so i just replaced old twist lock with a new one. Now it locks!
  12. nast70

    Generator Plug Change

    My twist lock adapter, and the outlet in the generator are finally worn out and no longer 'lock' without help from some wire. I'm thinking of just replacing the twist lock outlet with a 30amp outlet on the genny. Is there a reason for the twist lock outlet that I'm overlooking?
  13. nast70

    BC Trip

    Got back home on Friday (yes in the rain!) from 7 days in the South Kootenay's. Days above 38, intense smoke during the last half and the rain on the way home. It was a great trip. My family (me, wife and son), my friends, and BIL family, all total 6 bikes. My odometer: My BILS odometer: Thats...
  14. nast70

    Random Pictures Thread

    Close, Lily Creek Group
  15. nast70

    Random Pictures Thread

    Sun set and moon rise on Slave last weekend.
  16. nast70

    show us your bike !

    All done. The Baron Customs bar is the perfect size.
  17. nast70

    show us your bike !

    Installed the new Viking bags. We were torn, with or without the sissy bag/luggage rack. Its looks pretty sweet without, we figured we better put it back for now. Crash bars came in, but need some longer bolts. Final completion pic to come....
  18. nast70

    Humorous picture thread

    Brother in laws old apprentice finished and got this in the mail.... I would be pissed to no end. Is nothing sacred anymore??
  19. nast70

    show us your bike !

    My wife scored a new to her Shadow. 2012 750, just over 12000km. Sharp color! Engine guard, Viking bags and a few other bits and pieces on the way.
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