In the early 90's we used to ride with the titanium toque!!Lol. Then a buddy took a whack on the head and bit off his tongue. Helmet since and I bet if you seen this you'd wear one too
I've been riding for a long time and I can honestly say that there isn't a chance we leave someone behind no matter what! When sleds use to only go half as good, I've doubled out of the back of Eagles and even Grace so that excuse for me doesnt cut it!! If you want to spend the night by yourself...
Kind of looks like to me 18 skier related calls! They didnt seperate "lost" from "crashes" with the sledders
Condolences also to those involved! Very sorry
Back in the day, we use to pay for diesel to groom the trail out of our own pockets and I find it a little disturbing that someone as a guest to a local mountain would try to steal from the club!!
I support local when its possible.If price is inflated beyond reason then buying elsewhere is no problem for me but would probably mention price to local retailer to see if they want to try keep their customers happy by discounting .
Saving money is the key point but what happens when all these retailers close shop because of online shopping?? If online shopping is the only means , wouldn't they raise they're prices when they corner the market?