Theres that "entitlement" . I think that if you can get to the hill with little to no contact with the rest of the public, than being on a mountain would be the only place other than home a guy should be!! Doesn't get much cleaner than that. Don't go in the cabins if you have concerns but my...
Not only that but you may be sitting in the hospital waiting for treatment for a very very long time!! Longer than normal anyways in an infected emergency room
That's cool!! I have a super charged mustang that I built too and its a 10 sec car! I was just giving you a hard time cuz of one of your past remarks towards mme but you handled it with dignity! My bad. Cheers
What may be interesting is how much better a long box hauls down the road!!
a dually long box is what we haul with and I don't worry about parking cuz its hauled across the USA just like it was built for
I have a nice piece of property in Trout lk that is near the water with way less crime and population that I'd be willing to part with for a fraction of that price!! Just puttin it out there for you guys wanting to ride the best!! P.M me
Really hard to stomach that we all took time to be heard and that changed absolutely nothing!! Havent been one to participate in the past but did vote this time just like the 25% more voters than normal that realize the state of our country and feels like just a waste of time!! The Shuswap voted...