Polaris has the true 4 wheel drive also. All four wheels lock up. Lots of other quads only have 3. Nothing to be affraid of when considering a polaris QUAD
No kidding! Why go to facebook when all the crap you can handle is right here!! Enough is enough we get it ! Also the spray painting or vandalism is not by the sledding community so why put everyone in the same group
I know its tough to stomach! Not sure why people don't take care of stuff when they don't have anything invested! It wont go over so well when they get caught
Keep a close eye on your home now as that remote door opener or keys of course can bite you in the ass a second time. reprogram opener and change locks or it could get real ugly
Had one pass us on the trail to eagles last week probably going about 70kmh on a hard trail. Thought to myself he wont make it 2kms and sure enough 1.5 kms later there he was! Sliders actually smelled like burning plastic more than melting plastic! Lol! passed him and never seen him again and we...