my aunt is ladysmith joey, they ride their bikes just about 10 months out of the year.... I've been there on my rocket, and really nice places, and probably a lot more for a bike like that....
Have fun, rubber side down, shiny side up..... Trust me the other way on the pavement is not a fun idea
I've got an Asolo pack. This one has all the outside storages for shovel and probe, so you don't have to open the bag. Has tons of little storage pockets. Also has a pull over that come out of the bottom and wraps the whole bag to keep the snow off of it, which is pulled by a simple string like...
Clutching all the way. Talk to DJ or buy the 2007 race book and do some reading, and play with it yourself. The book was about 80 bucks if I remember correctly
I've got the columbia titanium ones. They feel like a shell pant, but are extremly warm. I've never had to wear anything more then pair of sweats or long underwear with them. windproof and waterproof. Buy the tecwax stuff too for when you wash them, it will help renew the waterproofing on...