Its kinda funny thats the spot they put a nut and bolt in an d all the rest is rivoted. I'm thinking the same way Maxwell. My front end is tight. everything is inline. Local dealer said dont worry about it
Thanks Duck. Its an early 08 163 X. Ya its kind of funny but thats the only thing I could come up with other than a ring. I let it warm up about 10 min and 1/2 throttled it orver to the neighbors field...less rocks on his place..haha. I punched it for about 30 seconds, surged a couple times...
Thanks guys. The way the sled thing is going this year, I was going to Kijiji it last night:(. I will know more after I take the tractor and get it. At least It didnt happen in the bush
I pooched my Xp yesterday afternoon. I think I cold seized it but i might have broke a ring? Engine quit and I couldn;t turn it over by moving clutch. I let it cool down 10 min and I could rock it about 1/3 of a turn. After 1/2 hour I could turn it by hand all the way and it even felt like...
Does a guy have to live with the discoloring of blue side pannels? One bump and everyone knows. Also anyway to take the scuffs out of black?
Thanks for the help
Looked like it was going to be a great day but got part way up the trail when Travelodge called and said they had double booked our room. By the time we went back, packed up and found another room it was too late in the day to go out again. My Son and I will try it next year..Thanks Travellodge