Accidental I would say. Looks like it was just resting against the bottom at a bad angle.
If I was staying the weekend I would fix it, but we are leaving tomorrow.:(
A great day again today. Went up Lucille this morning and Belle in the afternoon.
If you are going to Lucille with plans of using the BBQ you are SOL. We found the hose melted when we went to use it, and it will not work. Better plan a different lunch unless making a fire.
Great conditions and...
Stuck in the trees on Belle todaylots. There is a heavy crust on the snow and once you break trough, you are toast if not on the wick. The weather was everything from a blizzard to a sunny warm day. :cool:
Some new snow, about 3-4 inchs and was still coming down in spots.
Really enjoying the...
2006 mega cab Laramie with 6 speed manual.
Replaced 1 injector under warranty. Then the injector pump started leaking at the pump half split. It could not be repaired so new one under warranty..whew!
Replaced front engine seal, coolant leaks repaired, front end done.
One thing for sure, the...
My 2007 Renegade 800 PTEK does the same thing. Idles very high for about a minute or so and then comes down on it's own. Sometimes giving the throttle a quick hit will bring it down also.
I just thought they were all like that, cause mine has been since new. Never gave me a seconds grief though.
Myself and Sumitdude will be heading to McBride Tuesday night / Wednesday morning. There is only two of us and we wouldn't mind hooking up with you.
We are not hillclimbers and really enjoy playing in the trees at Belle.
Send me a PM if you want my cell number and we can make some tracks ! :d
Looks excellent, thanks for your time and effort to keep things nice for all to enjoy.
Hopefully the snow will continue for a couple more days. summitdude and me are heading there on Wednesday and looking forward to an excellent time.;)
While it is tragic that the events that took place caused the loss of life, I myself compare it to the following: if a plane load of skydivers jump from an aircraft and one or more parachutes do not open, and skydivers lose their lives, do you charge the pilot ?
Just my opinion.