Hey guys, so every once in a while my '07 M8 tends to lose all power/lights on the tach and the headlights dim so much I can't ride, most noticeably at night! She usually only does this for 10-60 seconds but it's going to get me into trouble.. Letting off the throttle doesn't help.
Has anyone...
Here's my new baby.. I've only taken her out once since I got her but the week long trip is coming up and I'm more excited for sledding than I am for xmas! haha, anyways, here's some pictchaz :beer: cheers ladies on sleds are HOTT
Hey SledMamma here's my opinion since I have an M8 162 and have ridden an '08 Xp.
I use to ride an '01 RMK 800 and this weekend was my first time out on my '07 M8 and I couldn't believe how well it handled! It was like I had been riding it for years. It pulls over beautifully without much...