Hey guys I was wondering what the best gear ratio would be for the 800 with a head and can would be. I'm ordering the C3 belt drive for my 2012 and I was just wondering if I would be able to get a little bit more out of the sled if I changed from the stock ratio.
wow i have an 09 assault and the only problems ive had have been self inflicted and i just rolled over 300 miles. i hope this don't start to go south on me. i hope warrenty covers everything for you guys.
hey i just bought my assult this year and have no complaints ive dropped it jumped it and boondocked through 4 feet of powder and had no trouble except when i let off the throttle. the track it has does trench on the softer hills so climbing in deep powder is difficult. The whole suspension...
getting stucks fine but you better have a few buddies who will help you out every time. the sledhead mag i picked up today had a write up on the assualt and polaris has changed alot more on it than i thought. But it was for the better.:)
i hope it performs just the way you said cause my old 06 rmk kept blowing the side panels out after a jump i had to replace one side because it cracked. My assualt being put together right know out at elk island
Im heading up to mcbride this weekend and were looking at new areas we haven't been in and we would like to jump off at km 23 and ride to the meadows and beyond to the ant hills and i would like to know if anyone has been through there lately because we have a couple of beginners riding with us...
I'm heading up to mcbride next thursday and i hear there is alot of guys going up this weekend i would just like to know if there is anything to watch out for on the way up to the renshaw. i have a little brother and this is his first trip to the mountains and i remember my first time up there...