Hello Treerider,
Yes I've done numerous rust repairs where the electrolysis eats the aluminum panels and trim due to the different metals. The trailer in photo had both of the items you need repaired, bent door and extensive rust along the bottom trim. I had to reinforce all the wall studs as...
Pics are worth a thousand words. Three forwards and two backwards with a 22' straight wall and a 120!! LOL
On a deck over load the first sled through the front ramp door facing the rear door then the next three forward facing sleds then back the last one in. Then you're only dragging one...
I've done alot different mods to trailers over the years and that would be an extremely tough one. I'd love to help you but the cost would be crazy on that mod to make it look like factory again.
I did take it apart, figured I’ve done lots of starters replaced brushes etc... Unfortunately the magnets have turned to dust inside casing and there’s no fixing them.
I am dropping it off at Alter Start tomorrow. He wants to take a look at it and see if maybe... just maybe he can work his...
Well four hours on the phone and internet and I quickly realized these little suckers are like a Unicorn! LOL
Kimpex and other aftermarket manufacturers don’t make one for the 300, the mounts are different. Starter rebuild companies can’t get parts for them so I guess I’m going OEM for $525 and...
Hello everyone. My boys starter from his 300 Freestyle has packed it in. Does anyone know of a shop that rebuilds them. I used to use Joe’s Auto Electric on Fort road but they’ve long since closed up shop! Thanks in advance :beer:
Furnaces are a huge part of my business. Shoot me a text at 780-970-4940 and I will help you out.
Here's a small sample of what I do.
Ron Paradis