To be honest, I can see this as something that will be eventually comming, if the SK gov. is caught in the middle between those who want to ban us, and us. Banning, I don't think will ever happen, as ATVing is a sport that is exploding right now with numbers, and too many bussiness's would be...
Sledderglen, you must have missed the post by Pup, where he stated as of right now, the saskatchewan ATV community can't really do much trail maintnence, not until some kind of arrangement has been made to the SK gov, which SATVA is working on, it'll all happen, but with time.
You said that...
Its my understanding that the majority of the trails in question are those on crown property, as trails on farmland would be a simple case of trespassing, and would have nothing to do with the SSA, as the trails are not marked year round south of the bushline, so there is no SSA trails during...
ya he's an internet tough guy, all talk, no balls
BTW, kidder, thank god everybody isn't like you, because if we were there wouldn't be any atv clubs, as guys like you don't seem to have any interest in joining, and try to actually put effort into making a change, which really is sad.
well thats too bad, because the biggest contribution one could make is to simply join a club, how so you ask? clubs need members, as there is strength in numbers, and we need club growth, we need to show the gov. (and the SSA) that we are getting organized, and the more club members we have the...
I beleive northern trails covers that area as well. If you go on their website, and click photo's you'll see where that club is clearing the SSA trail just before grooming season, and filling up firewood box's at a warm up shack gettin ready for sleddin season. And if you live in saskatoon...
I see your from saskatoon, which means you do have a local ATV club, their called the northern trails atv club, search for it on facebook. SATVA is currently looking for ways to raise money for the trails so that we ATVr's can contribute. SGI is denying any application for a regisration, but if...
The number of ATV clubs are growing in sask., and some communities have joined forces between sleds and ATV's, and most of the ATV community wouldn't mind joining forces with the local clubs and SSA, but its these sled clubs and SSA, that are dragging thier heels and, in a nut shell, don't want...