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  1. yamadoo

    GM getting out of leasing

    ok so here is a new one guys! i have a '06 duramax with just over lease is due in april of '09 so am i better off to wait till then or get rid of her early to take advantage of deals now?
  2. yamadoo

    dude want your pics/

    dude want your pics/
  3. yamadoo

    grizz overheating

    i have washed the rad as much as i can. it is hard to get to for one but i think i have done it. i heard of this after market rad do you think it will work or should i make a pump to take along on trips?:rant:
  4. yamadoo

    grizz overheating

    I have an 08 700 grizz and she overheats all the time. Am I the only one? Cause that would be my luck! What to do!:rolleyes:
  5. yamadoo

    dude u need another phaser? not mountain though... girl machine!

    dude u need another phaser? not mountain though... girl machine!
  6. yamadoo

    07 renegade 800 belt getting wet

    dear brian, not sure about YOUR problem, but have heard that polaris's CANNOT float. BE sure to pass this along to prevent any one else embarssment. :nono:
  7. yamadoo

    King Quad 750 vs. Brute Force 750

    where is makwa?
  8. yamadoo

    Stolen Quad trailer 3-14-08

    hey man my eyes r open! that ^&*( head will get his!
  9. yamadoo

    Worst Stuck Pics

    rkight111 that is one of the best pictures i have seen yet!
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