Different insurance companies have different rules. Unfortunately this is a tough question to get answered. At any rate that labor quit on me on Friday so this question will be suspended until further notice lol
Got it all straightened out, GDL drivers can infact drive a one ton and pull a trailer although there may be restrictions from the insurance providers but as far as the Alberta registries is concerned there is no restrictions other than alcohol and demerits and night driving etc...
I asked google but also have someone telling me that their driving instructor told them they couldn't drive a 1 ton or pull a trailer. Just wanted to clarify this and thought I would see if anyone here would know more than me about it before I call the registries in the morning
I have a Labourer working for me and was wonder with his GDL licence is he allowed to pull a trailer with a 1 ton truck? I have heard a number of rumors and most of them say no trailer pulling with a GDL.
Oh boy now I'm getting frantic here. First campout of the year and all I wanna do is be there lol. Don't wanna finish getting everything ready to go or haul everything out there. Wish I could just snap my fingers and make it arrive just like that.
I'm officially off work until Monday!!!! Hope there is enough room left over for us by tomorrow afternoon. Me and the boys should be out there early but Beth has to work (sucker haha) so she won't be out until tomorrow night.
The price is right that's Foresure. I bought one for the can am was over $400. But then again comparing a can am and a kawi is like comparing veal cutlets and bologna.