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  1. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    Found one of these. Friggin scary sight first thing in the morning I'll tell ya.
  2. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    Made it to golden. Dallas an Larry said they would have a cold beer waiting for when we arrived but being as old as they are they need there sleep and had to shutter down early.
  3. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    or he might be looking for a christmas tree again. Note to Imdooin, 20' spruce trees aren't the greatest for christmas trees. Also use a saw to cut it down not your sled.
  4. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    Don't think we will have to worry about getting too far, we have Larry with us. He will probably spend most of his time fishing anyway.
  5. kellyandhislimo

    Golden Snow 2013

    Well enough with the pissin match. We are headed out this weekend and it looks like the forecast is gonna be a gooder. Does anyone have any news on how much snow is falling?
  6. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    So we have a few people on the list for this weekend tex78 hurtinalbertin kellyandhisdoo medler and company Imdooin?? not sure where he sits yet Sparky's<----- working DaveB <-------mexico Dallas is in anyone else we need to add to the list?
  7. kellyandhislimo

    Golden Snow 2013

    Couple of small fractures near the valley. Just remember even though the snow is skinny it will still slide if the layers are weak.
  8. kellyandhislimo

    Golden Snow 2013

    Didn't take much for pics but here is a couple of Sunday.
  9. kellyandhislimo

    red deer suds buds beacon practice

    Didn't see many at beacon practice. But it went well.
  10. kellyandhislimo

    red deer suds buds beacon practice

    Wife moved pictures to Saturday so looks like my Sunday free and clear. Half skid of black label it is.
  11. kellyandhislimo

    red deer suds buds beacon practice

    Hahahaha. Geek. Looks like you had a busy day "working" today macronuts
  12. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    To many people caught up in the game. We will have to a beacon test at the parking lot and maybe a mock rescue at some point in the day. Or just stick to rescuing Larry from the creeks.
  13. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    What's everyone's opinions on places to ride? Quarts, Gorman, silent?
  14. kellyandhislimo

    red deer suds buds beacon practice

    Got family pics that day lol. I will talk to wife, maybe a beacon test of a better idea.
  15. kellyandhislimo

    red deer suds buds beacon practice

    That's a good idea lets figure out a time.
  16. kellyandhislimo

    Golden Snow 2013

    Your saving your gas and money for the 1st and 2nd LOL
  17. kellyandhislimo

    Turbo 2 strokes..... Boring???

    You only ever hear the bad stories about tuning and stuff. I think it would be a lot f fun but to me it would take the challenge out if most of it. There is nothing like a friendly competition to make things interesting and if you are able to beat that every time well it's like a high school...
  18. kellyandhislimo

    alberta snowpack

    I would like to get mine out also just to make sure everything is gonna work. Supposed to be highs of +2 this weekend and I the sun is out the little bit of snow we do have will disappear quick.
  19. kellyandhislimo

    Golden Snow 2013

    X2. Aaron has saved my ass a few times in a pinch. Great shop to top by and grab parts and the service is great.
  20. kellyandhislimo

    Red Deer suds and buds

    Can't wait for march/April
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