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  1. mattmedic

    sledding pics from Elkford

    pics, and more....
  2. mattmedic

    sledding pics from Elkford

    more pics from Elkford ,some sledding, some
  3. mattmedic

    sledding pics from Elkford

    sparwood snowmobile clubs...
  4. mattmedic

    sledding pics from Elkford

    more from Elkford,and more to come
  5. mattmedic

    sledding pics from Elkford

    here we go boys a place to post and view Elkford sledding pics.
  6. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    i tried my best, but you know him, tried to take a tank where a moped should go , and we all know that gravity is a b!tch and and then he tried to wrestle the beast and lost...hahahhaa at least he A+ for effort...
  7. mattmedic

    Happy Bday TAMINATOR!!!

    wow where did the time is a song for you, have a great day....
  8. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    thats what i figured, like i said they will take some time to heal, take it easy, and they will get better soon, and they wont cause you any grief later on in your old age...hahahahaha
  9. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    my god you 2 , myside hurts from laughing, like i never left the hill..........
  10. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    Thats funny ^^^^^ right thanks forthe great ride both of you, I am so smart, S, M, R, T....hahahahahhaa
  11. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    thanks for the support, its hard to teach all those ladies the lesson of the day.... so little time , so many "lovely" ladies.:)
  12. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    "OUCH" it was a bad first day, and remember if yer' not first , yer, just remember it was an instructional day for the ladies, the lesson was "stucks" and how not to panic...and , it must have worked, cause they wern't stuck often... and no one paniced .......................when i...
  13. mattmedic

    Revelstoke Ladies Ride

    thanks for the good times, havent laughed that hard in a long time...hahahaha. ,where are the pics /or video of me and steve and the rest of the crew, how did that tandom drop turn out ?????? we need to go riding again soon.....thanks matt.
  14. mattmedic

    assault track problem

    mine are still all good, what were you doing when you lost them, speed, climbing in minimal snow,ect.... dont think warranty will cover your track, but good luck:)
  15. mattmedic

    Shameless Plug--- I need your help!!

    better late than never, 1 more for the girls Thank you for voting! 1 6% (41 votes) 2 1% (9 votes) 3 33% (247 votes) 4 7% (50 votes) 5 28% (212 votes) 6 3% (24 votes) 7 6% (45 votes) 8 8% (62 votes) 9 4% (28 votes) 10 4% (27 votes) Total Votes: 745 View Comments Return To...
  16. mattmedic

    I need your help. Vote for your favorite Sled Heads

    just voted ..... who are these people...."jokes"
  17. mattmedic


    hey you slow down mine first......3-1 no fair.......:(
  18. mattmedic

    09 800 assault

    X2 mine was sputtering in the low end as well, they are adjusting the TPS as we speak hope it solves the problem...:)
  19. mattmedic

    Sway bars?

    i have the identical sled with the sway bars out, and i love the ride, i also have a 99 rmk 700 with them still in, might take them out as well.....
  20. mattmedic

    The Carnage.......!

    fossy, it can only get better, glad no one was injured,
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