How old is the well if it more then 10 years old the casing could have started to rust and the blast was enough to nock the rust off the inside of it the well might need to be flushed out.
i work for a water well companey and could help you out if you want to try it out.
I was planing on going to revy on friday the 26th to sunday but my group backed out is anyone going that wouldent mind me taging along that would be great..thanks josh
im from merritt and been riding for 25 years and the moon is still my fav place to ride sorry to hear about your dad but he is now truly in gods country:thumbsup2:
its a 2010 nytro with a impulse turbo with 2871 turbo and the race intercooler and head shim im running straight av gas and was wondering whats the most boost i can run it at.