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  1. J

    Congratulations to McBride Mountain Sports (formerly Ride 'n Hide)

    i will go to glen, he always gets me and my crew back on the hill the next day. he saved three trips this year. and sofar everyone like his work. always goes extra mile. thank glen
  2. J

    breakin axles on renegade with mud tires?

    i have 29.5 on my 800 can am, i have no broke anything, knock on wood. over 3000 km on them, made it to the end of tree robb rallys the hard way, up the middle. but they throw mud and you have no fenders. a skid plate and good up keep, grees, oil and cleaning will go a long way. allways check...
  3. J

    Can am snorkel

    best bet is to make your own. all the kits i have seen are parts from a hardware store, nothing custom. the highlifer kit cost like much. the hard part is geting good fit from cluch cover to round pipe and you know the cover is not round. it is a snug fit on the outlet, i had...
  4. J

    29.5 outlwas

    they cost 800 from gateway honda in edson, they have to order then from highlifter from the usa, rims will cost 400 min. i think your quad is to small for them. i have can-am 800 cluch kit liftkit . and are just about to much tire 4 it. hard on stuff to. but if you can turn the you will go were...
  5. J

    looking for new tires

    outlaws from highlifter are the best mud tire. i have 29.5 on a can am 800.need big power for them. they make smaller sizes . have to order them from hightlifter(usa) or the gorilla siverback. they both come in sizes up to 30" or 32". keep in mind they are for mud lovers and not good trail...
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