These new style dirtmaxs are terrible for fitting tires. Even with my 9" lift in the front the tires will rub if i am turning hard enough in a parking lot. I you are hoping on doing this google "extra large fender mod" this is what i am going to be doing soon so i can lower my truck and keep my...
Ya, I drove my quad from my back yard through the alley to put it in the back of my truck and I had some lady cop come give me chit. It was already in my truck so there was obviously no intention of continuing to drive it.
I honesty wouldn't chance driving too close to red deer.
Me and a couple buddies are planning on making a trip out towards rocky on Wednesday to get out on the machines. We have a sled deck 16' trailer. 4x4 and a commander and a yfz 450. Willing and ready to go anywhere for a good time. If anyone is interested in joining us let me know and we will...
Next season sounds good. Or even a little later this winter on sylvan lake if u r up to it. Depth finder sounds a bit rank haha, need some floating tires to think about that