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  1. i ford i

    Accessories and......dead weight?

    I recently bought me a 2012 can am xmr (LOVE IT), but its the first 4 wheeler that I have officially owned, been riding family and friends for a good portion of my life, anyways, It has come to my mind, I need some storage racks and the like to carry goodies with me like tools/food/gas for the...
  2. i ford i

    Who pays cash for sleds and toys and who finances??

    I'm in the same boat, i just bought a 2012 can am xmr off the floor. Im 21, I paid 7500 cash and got a line of credit from the bank, and truthfully I had the money tucked away to buy it cash if i really wanted to, but don't wanna tap myself out so to speak. You guys say its a bad thing, but i'll...
  3. i ford i

    Quad Riders.. ..list

    Add me to the list, Leduc, Alberta
  4. i ford i

    Just picked up a new quad. Starter trails edmonton area?

    Hey, Just bought a beauty can am xmr 800. Not a expert rider by any means. Always like mudding but never had a proper machine. I live in edmonton area and need some beginner trails areas? Picking her up in the morning and would like to go and break it in lightly and get used to it somewhere...
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