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  1. hevy_chevy67

    Humorous Kijiji Adds

    Not a Kijiji ad, but the buyers are out to lunch on there too. I'm selling a two place sled trailer and my latest offer: $1,200 CASH. Well that's a deal breaker there cause what I was really hoping for was monopoly money...
  2. hevy_chevy67

    what does everyone do for work/ hobbies?

    24 year old chartered lots of muddin in the summer and sled in the winter (but not nearly enough). Plan is to change that next winter haha.
  3. hevy_chevy67

    Sled decks

    Lots of good info in this thread. I went back and forth on it, but I ended up pulling the trigger on an enclosed trailer. I'm hoping its the right choice!
  4. hevy_chevy67

    Sled decks

    Looks good Chad. If you ever head out west of Red Deer with your rzr we should hit up the trails and mud.
  5. hevy_chevy67

    Who is snowchecking this year?

    I've got a black/red 154 Summit X on the way. Super pumped!
  6. hevy_chevy67

    Is it time to Fire Steve Tambellini

    I'm no Oilers fan by any stretch, but I think they need to clean house in top end management. What good moves has Tameblini done? All there top end talent were locks to make the jump to the NHL before they were even drafted (Eberle was a first rounder too so its not like he was a 'diamond in the...
  7. hevy_chevy67

    Sled decks

    So I'm looking at getting a sled deck to haul the toys around. But problem is I know very little about them and I imagine there are some brands to stay away from. Anybody got recommendations on a good manufacturer? I see Cross Trax decks are made right here in central Ab - how are they for quality?
  8. hevy_chevy67

    Snowcheck pricing

    Not really. I could drive a few hours and maybe get a better deal to save a couple hundred dollars and pat myself on the back at the end of the day. Or I could drive 5 mins to my local dealer and pay the MSRP and save a tank of fuel and my time. That's a tough one....
  9. hevy_chevy67

    Snowcheck pricing

    I was able to get mine for MSRP plus tax out the door. No freight or setup charges.
  10. hevy_chevy67

    What color you guys getting????

    I went with black/red, which seems to be the popular choice on here.
  11. hevy_chevy67

    Couple of first-timers looking into coming out to Golden area.

    Looks like it was another good day. Too bad I had to leave early!
  12. hevy_chevy67

    Wheres the best place/deal to snowcheck a 2014 xm 163?

    I was just in the same spot you were. I've heard some negative things about Turple's service, but I went in there to check out prices last week and I ended up walking out with a new sled for myself this fall. Talk to TJ in there, he'll hook you up.
  13. hevy_chevy67

    Couple of first-timers looking into coming out to Golden area.

    Nice pics Chad. What a day though. Unbelievable snow out there!
  14. hevy_chevy67

    BIG thanks to MR R's

    Too bad they weren't closer to me as I'm looking to snowcheck a Summit. Anyone got recommendations on a good central AB dealer?
  15. hevy_chevy67

    Whats your toy history?

    Some people in here sure have owned a few items along the way. Here's mine.. Sleds ------ 1991 Polaris Indy Trail 2009 Ski Doo Renegade (still own) Quads/Bike ----------- 1987 Honda Shadow 2006 Can Am Renegade (still own) Vehicles -------- 1971 Dodge Charger 1996 Dodge Ram 1500 1971 Chevrolet...
  16. hevy_chevy67

    What was the first vehicle you owned?

    71 Dodge Charger. Didn't keep it long and bought a 1996 Dodge 1/2 ton instead. Man I had ch!t for brains when I was 16.......
  17. hevy_chevy67

    leafs fire burke

    I'd agree. Also happens to be Dave Nonis who is replacing him. Nonis is the guy that brought Lou to Vancouver.
  18. hevy_chevy67

    AST1 field session golden dec 22 anyone going

    I'll be there for the course.
  19. hevy_chevy67

    I'm not a rookie .. I used the search .. but hear me out already ...

    Have you gotten this deck into your truck? I'm interested in something like this so I'm wondering how it looks.
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