Anyone know where I can find these, I really like the idea of them but I can't find them.
Also who is running hand guards on there pro what brand? How do they fit ?
Hey guys, my good buddy and I are looking for someone to ride with this weekend, we have done a lot of riding around fernie area but never in revy. I have been looking at maps of most of the areas, but it would be nice to have someone show us a few spots, we were thinking of riding frisby, and...
Just picked up a new 163 pro thinking of putting a new can on it, don't know where to start. Also looking at a muff pot for hot lunch, do they work? Help would be appreciated, Thanks
Just picked up my new pro and looking for some snow, I heard there was guys at boulder on snow bikes on the weekend, anyone know how the snow is or if there is enough to break in my new sled?