i was thinking the same but ill just keep an eye on the plugs and re jet if need be. heres some pics. The 2nd pic was done before i bought it, i just built a new lid, sealed it up with foam around the inside and put the pvc snorkel on it. was a lil tricky getting it to match up to the speedo...
Hey some buddies and i are planning a trip to brule this spring/summer. first time i was there was last year, never had so much fun in my life. just wondering what the best weekend would be to go thats not too busy and when there wont be too much police activity. lol thanx :)
Thanx guys, yea i cant complain with it. still makes me grit my teeth when them cam-am's pull up beside me tho. still cant compete with them. looks like something good finaly came outa the east! (other than the sun). lmao hahahaha
Well theres still afew places i cant go, haha But theres afew grizzly boys arond here that get kida bitter when i blow by them in the skeg lol still puts a smile on my face tho. :D
Hey there, from Goose Lake/Whitecourt area, love the skeg out here, also ride around cadomin, mountain park, robb area. Ride a '07 Brute Force 750, HMF pipe, Moose Chip, EPI clutch kit,K&N,Snorkled,DynoJet Kit, Highlifter Pen Locker, Highlifter Full Skids and A-arm gaurds, Highlifter Checker...
i have 27', clutch, chip, pipe...ect and 3000km on my 07 750 and never smoked a belt..... and i dont ride her easy lol somethings gotta be wrong in yer clutching.
Brute Force Boy... if your gonna put on a snorkel kit, id say go on mudinmyblood.com and get the instructions off there. thats what i did on my 750 costs about $70 and only took me about 4 hours start to finish. jmo oh also i have a hmf slip on on my bike, didnt notice alot of power difference...