the trail open everywhere in the late december I think but we didnt have a lot of snow this year!!! Im from gatineau not far from ottawa and the season is almost over!!!! lot of rain in the past few day!!!! and by the way the farmer win what they want so it good for us the trail gone a be open...
ok thank, all my sled is stock so im gonna check the throttle body the sled have been sit for about 10 month because here in quebec we just get some snow this week so i dont no if it the problem because the sled wont run for a while!!!!
I got a apex lt-x 09 and when the engine is cold I got 2 error code 15 and 84, I think it the TORS system or something like that so if it that how can I fix it!!!
someone know if it hard to change the coil spring on the rear shock on a apex lt-x!!! and if someone got a trick for remove the coil sring without losing my head!!!!!
i got a apex lt-x and I found my rear suspension a littel to soft, I hit the bottom of my suspension a lot, i am a 220lbs rider so i want a little upgrade for my rear suspension what is the best I can get for dollars!!! and what is the best upgrade for about 1000$ for little more power!!!
Hey I just want to know what everybody does for the summer storage for my yami I got a 09 apex so what is the best I need to do!!! Hot season already here in quebec no snow at all!!!!:mad:
hey anyone can give me tip on what I can make for give a little extra hp to my apex I do lot of trail riding so a turbo it not a good option because I dont want to put race gas at each tank!!! So what I can do for extra hp on pump gas!!!
no just finish at december 2009!!!it bad because the oil tank cost 400$!!!so we gonna send a complaint to yamaha!!! I hope it not gonna happen on my Apex!!!
i am planning to put a turbo on my 2009 apex lt-x i want to know if the motor can take the turbo whitout blowing after 1000 miles and what is the best kit for the money!!!