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  1. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Ya that is true with the hitches sticking out farther then some. My box is the 6.6 box and the deck is 7’ so hangs about 4”. What make and model is that trailer?
  2. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Are all the v nose that close to the truck? Wonder if having the sides angled back would offset the tongue being closer and letting a guy turn sharper ?
  3. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    As in the inside of the the trailer or for turning room?
  4. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Any body have experience towing a v nose camper with a Sled deck extended out the full width? Curious if the V front would help? Seems like the normal style has a longer tongue then the v campers I have looked at online?
  5. hondalrd

    2013 Duramax head gasket

    Diesels are awesome but man there expensive to fix [emoji15]
  6. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Curious to what the best options would be with a open living quarters with muddy quads? I’m sure a tarp would help.
  7. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    How do you load the sea doo up there?
  8. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    I have heard the desert fox are well built. I’m more worried about the mud on the quads making a mess
  9. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Any body have experience with the open garage toy haulers ?
  10. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    What’s the info on it?
  11. hondalrd

    Primary sheave cracks?

    Any one else have these spider cracks? I can only see them not feel them?
  12. hondalrd

    36 inch kits?

    Trenchers is a Canadian company maybe it’s that one? Your thinking of
  13. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    Ya that is a good point on the trailer shape ! I wonder how a v nose trailer would do from hitting the deck?
  14. hondalrd

    Best camping solution for hauling quads?

    So who all uses a deck to haul 2 quads and tows a bumper pull? I own a deck already and thinking of selling my fifth wheel. I currently use a small trailer behind it and don’t enjoy doing that long setup far distances. I have also looked at buying a smaller bumper pull toy hauler but none have...
  15. hondalrd

    36 inch kits?

    Hey guys so i bent my lower a arms. Curious how everyone likes there 36 inch kits? Or just stay stock at 39? I am also wondering if anyone has the trenchers 36 kit? Looks like a nice setup and decent price?
  16. hondalrd

    Aftermarket Can Springs?

    Ok so the factory ones fit the new can?
  17. hondalrd

    Aftermarket Can Springs?

    Hey does anyone know if there exhaust cans came with springs? I’m selling my GGB and wondering if my new Sled shed comes with springs ?
  18. hondalrd

    Bent A arms ??

    Do you have a link for those brackets ?
  19. hondalrd

    Bent A arms ??

    Hey guys so it looks like I bent one a arm. Curious what ever one is replacing them with? I would rather bend them then the bulk head. The one side is for sure bent. But I am unsure if the other one is? I have attached a picture. Are they supposed to drop down like that ?
  20. hondalrd

    Diesel Vs Gas 2500/3500

    All it takes is one bad tank of fuel in the newer diesels to destroy your fuel system. And most injectors are 800-1000$ for one. Never mind the price of fuel pumps in the Duramax and power stroke
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