Like was posted previously Myrnam has a vintage ride on the Sunday of the family day weekend, and Elk Point also is having a run at the beginning of March not sure of the date yet however. Camrose is also having a show and possibly a ride but I haven't heard a set date for that ride either.
Anybody know of any starfires or early tx's around that might be for sale? Interested in any year and engine size. Appreciate any leads. PM me the details. Thanks and hope you guys had a good Christmas.
Also a trick when wiping off the black oxidation when your polishing is to dip a microfiber towel in some household flour and then rub it off. I didn't believe it at first but when tried, it really makes it alot easier to get rid of the black oxidation. Once done just use an air hose and blow...
Recreation Supply :: Catalogs
Give them a call and set up an account. Usually cheaper than the dealers for the smaller parts I find. They are located out of Saskatoon, Sask.
Yamaha was a little different than other manufacturers in how to tell the year. The first three digits in the serial number will tell you what year. The serial number I believe is stamped on the right hand side of the tunnel just beneath the recoil and a little back. Once you have the three...