I've gotten a few of those over the months on and off. Usually the one thing it corresponds to is low cell service on my end. Never had it come up on the laptop ever.
I still think making a snow bridge would have been way easier than opening up a new area. Not that I don't like exploring, but I'd be very surprised if/when the bridge gets fixed that the new area will remain open.
Seems like the best snow storms and snowfall amounts come from the ones they don't forecast and warn people about for a week. I'll be surprised if we get half that amount.
If the clowns at Canada Post are still on strike people will be doing a lot more in person shopping this year. If that's the case I could see people waiting until the 15th... Then they will be in for a shock as its only going to save them $5 for every 100 they spend...
either way bunch...
Yeah, the older XM's are easy to convert, i would assume all the etec's would be easy to convert to the new style anything older than that would be hard I'm thinking.
Come on Dave where are the pictures hahah.
Just kidding. She's a sharp looking rig, they are not on the website yet, is this something a guy has to ring the dealer to get pricing on?