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  1. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Stitched it up
  2. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    There was silence
  3. Crustyolddude

    Kijiji pos

    agree 1000%. GodSpeed Tim Bosma....Murdered selling his truck on kijiji.
  4. Crustyolddude

    Every bad experience I've ever had

    If it was Honda, likely never see customer again. Have you ever seen Honda sled In the shop?
  5. Crustyolddude

    Every bad experience I've ever had

    Impressive with your observations. ��
  6. Crustyolddude

    Gun control, it's coming...

    Article in Toronto Star (leftist paper). Reporter doing suicide comparison of men in rural vs urban man. That men in rural Ontario have 34% gun ownership vs urban Ontario 1.4% gun ownership. Therefore she doesn’t come out say we should take guns away from rural men. Leads to that conclusion...
  7. Crustyolddude

    Anybody know of places that rebuild ECU's or BCM's

    Ebay. $135.00 + shipping. If you order from China half that. Not as good, but workable.
  8. Crustyolddude

    AB beats BC!

    Have all homeless downtown Vancouver died of COVID-19. Likely there exposure to Covid would be the greatest. Don’t believe they have been wiped out. protests in Toronto. Thousands.....
  9. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    With deep crevices
  10. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Then Banker Hollered
  11. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Waited Waited Waited
  12. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Don’t Trust Bankster
  13. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Know it works
  14. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Expecting Liberal Bailouts
  15. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Guaranteed 10% ROI
  16. Crustyolddude

    Kijiji pos

    Cash �� only.
  17. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Don’t lose Interest
  18. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    Wants your deposit
  19. Crustyolddude

    three word story

    She’s also Banker
  20. Crustyolddude

    The battle between EVs and ICE-vehicles heats up

    Still waiting for 1 tonne 3500.
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