Sounds good! But keep me in mind if you wanna go that route down the road. I have some ideas and concepts to pitch to you and would totally Guinea pig the first one[emoji1689]
I’m out of shape and not as throttle savvy for the technique so I tend to get tired easier. Need more seat time. Pretty sure that was a very leisurely day for maxximus prime
To clarify I meant 3’ of snow total. Alberta doesn’t get as much snow to play in the trees like in bc. Wasn’t directed at the 4 strokes in trees . It was intended for if you wanna run your snowmobile in low snow by all means have at it but 10’ base would be way better. Had nothing to do...
I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed because my sled rolled about 30 feet into a tree? It was more funny after the fact now of how it happened[emoji1303] but thanks for the attempt at
calling me dumb lol enjoy your sweet 4 stroke. Hope she doesn’t roll down the epic chute you pull [emoji1303]
You can’t really comment on why we travel to ride trees. You are fortunate enough to live in the mountains I’ll give you that. Not everyone is, and not everyone gets the snow you do. I don’t go sledding to “point and go” up a face or chute just holding it the bar. To me and I’m sure many other...