My concern too. Truck sat on side for 4 hrs (what sensor and **** got oil soaked). Truck has 52k on it and worried about possible complications ( seeing as warranty is 60k I think). I really don't want back, so prob trade it and loose my shirt on it.
Computer controlled. Truck would hit 30psi stock. Programmers initially allowed boost to climb too high too fast. H&S realized this and updated tunes to try to keep issue in check.
I got all deletes and a H&S tuner. Mine has most recent update (keeps boost levels, I max out at 27psi). I have 30k on it like this, no issues yet! But i planning on installing a shocked wheel (billet compress wheel). From my understanding problem is too much boost with tuners, and the turbo is...
So I installed Iceage rails on my T3. Now when I go through whoops and suspension compresses I feel/hear a non metallic grinding/rubbing ( feel it in my feet too ). Any ideas? Have adjusted track a couple times. Only happens going slowly. Once off trails never happens.