theres tons of reasons why a shop might shut down.... There was a fella here in Hinton that didnt own a dealership he just worked on every make and model of machine. was into all kinds of neat innovative products! it was a great shop!!! He got cancer... now the shop is no longer, sad story but...
fix my tunnel and get everything that isnt powdercoated polished and new chain and sprockets. thats it for this year! last year was a friggen heavy duty build year!
when im in a bad mood and i say just leave me alone for a bit so i can cool my jets and I get this " whats wrong? do u wanna talk about whats wrong? I can tell your upset so lets just talk about it..." and im like get the Fawk away from me before i rip your eyes out with a rusty spoon lady!
the rivers are all very high over here right now! I mean HIGH!!!! and the trails are super wet and muddy. and the weather isnt looking good at all. we ahd a couple days of sunshine in the forecast yesterday but today they all turned into rainy and cloudy days... my suggestion is to NOT go over...
the spray sealant worked awesome on my old aluminum boat! also really like the sticky wall hook things that u can remove so far!
thing i hated the most was billy mays himself!!!! that guy was way to pumped up about junk! lol