I figure there must be some car guys/river boaters on here looking to get a set of aluminum heads rebuilt without getting taken to pound town, can anyone recommend a decent shop from personal experience.
Well I am not a religious man so all I can say is I hope Mr.travis Brown lives to read this thread and sees that at any time there was 126 members and 26 guests that have never met him and all were concerned with his well being good luck fella.
Re: Kakwa Snow Conotions 2015/2016
Was out last weekend putting camp in any word if the grader will be looking after the road just for the talisman plant and not all the way to the parking lot or is this something to prepare for.
I started on trucks made it to 4th year heavy duty seen no long term future in trucks switched to natural gas compression made it 11 years still miserable if I did it all over again I would have went for engineering petroleum or mechanical I agree with the recession proof comment but the long...
I had them installed in 2012 dodge crew cab with heated seats would definetly do it again just dont get installed by raven have a upholstrey shop do it.
I have bought two sleds from stojans first one nothing but good things to say good service after the sale but since windsor lost dealership you get the take it or leave it attitude just because you sell the most sleds dosen't make you #1 it's the little things that make you come back.