Xm chassis is pretty hard to beat and are in that price range. Nice sleds and etec 800 is a great motor. But if flat landing it and not looking for huge power a 600 is pretty hard to beat. Cheap to buy go really good and easy on fuel.
Would need to be a really good deal. You pay pretty much 25% more because of exchange rates. And not sure but would be duties and probably an out of province inspection.
Impact I’d go 6. But for the tools I have these 5 standards work well. Most my tools came with 1.5 so these 5 seem amazing. I think they were $125 each.
Not sure what I’d do. But I’d fly a private plane to a nice tropical island and think about it for awhile. Probably order a few nice vehicles of different types while i sitting there.
Well first off it’s 37 years old op was looking for a new quad, that’s pretty close to being the farthest thing from a new quad. Compared to new ones ride and general comfort it is a pos. Second of all I grew up around those machines they weren’t that special back then. Like I said they were the...
The Middle East in general has been at war forever. And no wonder can you imagine living in a constant heat wave. I wanna fight someone constantly to lol
I think you’d do good! Most sledders would support a fellow sledder before a random b&b operation. And your and your reputation would definitely be a selling feature! Have secured parking for trucks and trailers you could charge a premium and do quite well. You might think it’s not the right...
This was the first hunt of the year for these guys. The geese are just starting to flock into the fields now as they’re done combining. Next hunt we hope to hammer the Canadian geese. Then I will make jerky it’s the only way it tastes any good.