well, like i said, the pics got deleted by accident. But what i can tell you is to, take a hair dryer, or even a heat gun (it works better with a heat gun) and go with the heat under the plastic, right under the area where the whitening is located. Be careful with the heat gun, because they...
what is the worst case you ever had to deal with regarding your snowmobile, atv, motorcycle, dirt bike, and so on.
My first case was the burning rear rotor on my banshee, after going 6th gear, and 5th gear for 20 min. I stopped, and the rotor, was like on fire, and it was warped. it was bad. I...
By mini trucks, your referring to the Japanese Suzuki little trucks? Anyways if you are referring to those things, they just wouldnt compare with the Rhino's and so on. First of all the Rhino's are meant for offroad, trails, dunes, and they are mostly made to take abuse. The Mini trucks are...