damn man that really does suck. I have bought a couple of things online, but nothing new. I have always bought used atv parts online. Anyways, today i was looking for some rear red full bore fenders, and i found a set for 150 bucks that were in new condition, and i look at shipping and it says...
I woke up at 7:30 to get ready for school, and at 8ish it starts snowing. And by 11am, snow got every where. I was getting so pissed off lol, cause tomorrow i was suppost to go riding. I got to a point where i was praying for it to pile snow everywhere so i can rip the shee up on the snowy...
the show gets me scared every time. I can't even go in my basement without thinking about what happened in this one video on lost tapes. Im not sure if its real or not. But ya never know