OK so I put the 412 ramps in and I am running 18g pin weight. Took it for a little field blast on the prairies and I am pulling 8000 on clicker 1. With the old ramps and 16.5g I had to be on clicker 2 around home. We are about 2200'. I am thinking I should be good to go on clicker 3-4 in valemount?
The kit would have about 1200 on it. OK I just looked back he said to use the 412 ramps and add 2g pin weight so I was at 16.5. If I can get them before the trip maybe I will throw them in and put more weight in.
Oh 250ish I would say haven't got everything on and hit the scales. Lol ya everything is clean and set right. It holds it like a champ. Just want to drop a clicker or 2.
Ok so here is my question. I have a Roosterbuilt kit in my 14 XM 163. I have it dialed in pretty close have been really happy with it this season. BUT I am having to run on clicker 5. I want to be on 3 or 4. I had 16.5g of Weight in is. I took 1.5g out. Is this going to get me down to clicker 3...