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  1. tumblina

    The Hen House

    I found the thread...the 9th-11th. i'll think it over. You going Taminator?:):beer:
  2. tumblina

    The Hen House

    Welllllll Maybe! I'm still figuring out how to ride the bike :bandance:..... When is it?
  3. tumblina

    The Hen House

    x2 And what's this jamboree you talkin about? :chatterbox:
  4. tumblina

    Skinnybitch & Sledmama!

    LMFAO!!!! :nono:
  5. tumblina

    Shameless Plug--- I need your help!!

    Sledmamma..... You are one talented photographer!!!! ♥ I'm impressed, Lady! :camera:
  6. tumblina

    Pet Peeves!!

    Summitric not getting the IMSICK getting beat up by Barney pics to me in a timely manner. ;) :rant:
  7. tumblina

    Pet Peeves!!

    I object that no one has posted said pics yet!!! :nopics:
  8. tumblina

    Pet Peeves!!

    Post em up, lady!!! :smiliestirthepot:
  9. tumblina

    Pet Peeves!!

    And it's NOT ON FILM??????? :confused: WTF????:eek: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :d
  10. tumblina

    The Hen House

    LMFAO!!!! TEARS STREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying3:
  11. tumblina

    Joke of the Day

    Sounds like another good reason not to get married!! ;):beer:
  12. tumblina

    Pet Peeves!!

    Wellllll...since we talking driving.... How about people who pull out in front of you, and then go BELOW the speed limit. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :nono:
  13. tumblina

    New Member!

    Welcome Vdirt. Do you snowmobile too?
  14. tumblina

    The Hen House

    Very nice shots, C. You are looking good on that sled, Lady!!! We had a great ride on saturday...3 feet of fresh..... It was awesome...too busy riding and "un" sticking to get pics..... ;)
  15. tumblina

    The Hen House

    Oh! You SO have a new name, Mantrapper!!! LOL.:d Couldn't convince the old man to play I'm firing him. :mad::eek:
  16. tumblina

    The Hen House

    I'm still giggling over "Mantrapper" and the Skinnybitch falling out of trees. We are getting dumped on down here in Washington. Hoping to take a "Sick" or holiday day this week and ride. My sled is apart right now....riding the old mans spare sled... a 01 Skidoo 800. Its a fun ride...I wish...
  17. tumblina

    Recovered sleds from turbo slide

    Wow. I feel sick and deeply sad just looking at those pictures. Thanks for posting them. It is a good reminder for all of us.
  18. tumblina

    When you meet a stranger on the internet...

    Funny Thread. Headboard..... lmfao Enjoyed the pics...especailly the M8 ones. Nice;).
  19. tumblina

    When you meet a stranger on the internet...

    Nice Pics. My knees get week when I get up real high too. :eek:
  20. tumblina

    T-shirts, Ladies BCSF Revy Ride

    I'd take a Large Pink for one of my friends. She was mad that I didn't bring one home to her. :rollingpin: I suspect postage will be a little more to Washington. ;)
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