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  1. rmksledder

    Klim warranty?

    i e-mailed klim's customer service about wht i have to do with the helmets its self. dont know if i have to send it to them or they just cover it
  2. rmksledder

    the 2010 Rush WITH REAL PIC

    how would one get a tunnel way back there?
  3. rmksledder

    When Buying a new sled

    im shopping but still wouldnt pay that for a doo. i wish polaris would do that with their dragons
  4. rmksledder

    When Buying a new sled

    If you buy plaris they give out discounts in the mail with every vehicle you purchase from the dealer you chose. you may get 10% off on oil or starage accessories etc.
  5. rmksledder

    Best Can For 09 800 Dragon.

    no i agree its on my old one and no point in changing it now getting new sled in the spring. my dad has a slp on his D7 and it has a nice tone not to loud and he did notice a difference
  6. rmksledder

    2010 Polaris?

    what kind of set up is that? interested in seeing how that would ride and handle if that is what they are using
  7. rmksledder

    2010 Polaris?

    I dont like the looks of that seat set up, could be hard on the boys.:eek: this looks more like a snowcrosser
  8. rmksledder

    Klim warranty?

    im looking through the papers i got with it and found a warranty card. do have to fill it out in order to have it?
  9. rmksledder

    Klim warranty?

    what is the deal with warranty on their helmets? i broke one of the fins on my helmet and the next one is coming off. very comfortable helmet no complaints just happene to break any help is welcome
  10. rmksledder

    Need your Feedback.... Brand of enclosed

    very nice looking trailer congrats!
  11. rmksledder

    Need your Feedback.... Brand of enclosed

    where did you pick that oe up we were lookig at that trailer. the duct work for the boots and gloves etc. is a nice idea
  12. rmksledder

    Need your Feedback.... Brand of enclosed

    what is your heater called? and where you get it from?
  13. rmksledder

    2009 Polaris Assualt for sale

    Re: 2009 Poalis Assualt for sale reason of selling?
  14. rmksledder

    2010 Polaris?

    i think they should hold on to the iq chassi for the mountain sleds for at least two more years they havent had it very long to be changing it completley
  15. rmksledder

    2010 Polaris?

    the site says friday is the unvaling of the 2010's i do believe
  16. rmksledder

    2010 Polaris?

    where do you see this sneek peek on their site? i tryed googleing it but my computer wouldnt open the pictures. so if you find them POST THEM!
  17. rmksledder

    Best Can For 09 800 Dragon.

    In the mrbrp the glass just burns out after so many miles then its just loud
  18. rmksledder

    Sled resting on closed tailgate?

    not all sleds have reverse. but i never thought of doing it like that
  19. rmksledder

    2002 Polaris 500 HO Heating Up

    i know many times on my 500 sportsman i thought my rad was clean but down the trail a bit, it over heats. i try to spend lots of time and care with my rad to make sure i can see through it
  20. rmksledder

    Worst Stuck Pics

    ya but it took you like 3 minutes of slow crawling that was a soup hole. cant say i remember that one lol
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