Not if the 9R is properly clutched.. I have a 21 and 22 Matrix, both 850 Khaos 165’s, I demo’d a 9R 165 Khaos, pulled the 72’s weights and put in 76’s, spinning 8300-8350 at 5500-6000’. It’s still in break in, and the 850’s don’t catch it. I don’t do aftermarket clutching, I use OEM springs...
I have 2, 850’s that will not keep up to my new 9R, I did change 9R clutch weights from 72’s to 76’s and still spinning 8300-8350. I think a lot of the 9R’s out there are over spinning. Will be helpful when we see one on a Dyno.
I hear that a few snowchecks showed up at the Cochrane Polaris dealer. Didn’t as if they were boost or not. I’m waiting for a 9R, they figure they will be the last build to ship. They said there no mention of them (yet) being late like last years snowchecks.
My 03 will do that when I first start it up, I have to let it run a second or 3 till the altinator kicks in. If I shift before that it says shift inhibitor. I assume mine to be a bad battery or altinator.
Try Capital Pressure in Sundre. If your looking for a decent amount ( we used to get 200-400 gallons per year) they will deliver. They are a bulk dealer, so you will likely have to take some jerry cans with you to fill.
No idea what grade they carry..
You do need a building permit to obtain a septic permit for new build. To put the system in before hand, would not make sense till you’ve broke ground. As others mentioned, it would be in the way of a custom build, and likely end up compromised… but not so much on a modular home.. Where is the...
As ABMax mentioned, there is likely several 155 Assault tracks around, I have one that I ran one year only, they will take a beating. I believe they were a 2.86 pitch as well.
Chrisco, we were riding down by Cranbrook weekend before last in an area called heaven… the way we first tried to get in to the area was more like hell… we had two 163 boost and two T-Doos 154 in the group.. the snow was pretty good considering the temps, 8-10” of fresh on top. We came to a hill...
I bailed on my boost snowcheck (I put my $1000 deposit down three weeks ago, along with 19 others) and switched for the 9R…Third times the charm😳😂😂
I’ve rode turboed sleds since 2011 (yes they ran extremely well, and touch wood, never had a need for warranty) the poo 800 was painfully gutless I...