and what about the people with cancer that have no real sins and haven't distroyed his beautiful creations, the ones that went to church every sunday and praied daily? The one that has been begging and praying for there death for months now as they live in pain and agony in the hospital....god...
usually theres snow on the big island at the top of the mtn....heck I hope they get a dump of it well I'm there so I can say I went skiing in Hawaii:d:d
so far the functionality has great, I've had no issues with picture messaging, texting, etc. The only thing I have noticed is my emails are slow comming through and I haven't been able to setup my telus email account on it yet, but I think that has more to do with the inept operator rather then...
my curve 8330 is starting to drop calls, and not accept data so I'm thinking it's time for a new phone and am undecided between the I phone and the Galaxy S so has anyone used the Galaxy S? any opinions or reviews on it? I hear android 2.2 is pretty neat.